Melatonic is a melatonin-based food supplement combined with adenosine and glycine, capable of solubilizing melatonin and improving its bioavailability. Melatonin is a naturally occurring, ubiquitous substance, as it is present in the animal and plant kingdoms and in every living organism.
In humans, it is physiologically produced mainly in the pineal glands (epiphysis), in amounts that decrease with age.
Recent studies point to its importance in mitochondrial biogenesis and emphasize its important role in the mechanisms that determine longevity.
A lack of melatonin is considered an important sign of aging.
Melatonin appears to be involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and in the release of extremely important hormones.
It was originally used to regulate the sleep of blind people who do not perceive the alternation of day and night (circadian cycles) and therefore suffer from a disruption of the biological clock, which leads to general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and sleep disorders.
The mechanism of action is not yet fully understood; it does not appear to be chemical, biochemical, receptor, hormonal or pharmacological in nature, but may simply be related to its ability to cause a peak in production every night and more or less at the same time. This effect begins at nightfall and ends with the first light of the new day.
This spike seems to be associated with a series of positive effects that allow the organism to remain synchronized with the hormonal and cellular physiological cycles.
Melatonin is particularly useful for inducing REM sleep, improving memory impairment and depressive syndromes, and coping with particular stress situations.
It is also useful to facilitate the adaptation of the organism to the time difference (jet lag).